The standard digital image database with and without chest lung nodules
「標準ディジタル画像データベース(DICOM版)」は,北里大学メディカルセンター放射線部の柳田 智先生の開発されたプログラム「D-P Converter」を使ってピクセル値の変換処理が施されています.ピクセル値の変換処理の詳細については,こちらをご覧ください.
The standard digital image database with and without chest lung nodules (JSRT database) was created(*1) by the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JSRT) in cooperation with the Japanese Radiological Society (JRS) in 1998. Since then, the JSRT database has been used by a number of researchers in the world for various research purposes such as image processing, image compression, evaluation of image display, computer-aided diagnosis (CAD), picture archiving and communication system (PACS), and for training and testing.
The number of citations for this database was 35 in 2006, and is likely to increase in the future. After 10 years since the creation of this valuable database, we have decided to release the JSRT database with free of charge in order to facilitate potential users around the world. Please try to use our database in your research field.
Descriptions of the JSRT database
・ Useful for ROC analysis (154 nodule and 93 non-nodule images)
・ High resolution (2048 x 2048 matrix size, 0.175mm pixel size)
・ Wide density range (12bit, 4096 gray scale)
・ DICOM image format (DICOM header)
・ Useful for diagnostic training and testing
・ Additional information
patient age, gender, diagnosis (malignant or benign), X and Y coordinates of nodule, simple diagram of nodule location, degree of subtlety in visual detection of nodules
Download the JSRT database | |
・Download all nodule images [Dicom Format] | Nodule154images (806MB) |
・Download all non-nodule images [Dicom Format] | NonNodule93images (484MB) |
Download Clinical Information [only for registered users] | Download File from JSRT(145KB) |
Download User’s Guide [only for registered users] | Download File from JSRT (5KB) |
*1 Shiraishi J, Katsuragawa S, Ikezoe J, Matsumoto T, Kobayashi T, Komatsu K, Matsui M, Fujita H, Kodera Y, and Doi K.: Development of a digital image database for chest radiographs with and without a lung nodule: Receiver operating characteristic analysis of radiologists’ detection of pulmonary nodules. AJR 174; 71-74, 2000
※[謝辞] DICOM画像データの作成は北里大学メディカルセンター放射線部の柳田 智先生のご尽力により行われ,画像データをご提供いただきました.先生のご厚意に心より感謝申し上げます.
2019/08/21 Dicom版(NonNodule93images)のJPCNN013.dcmとJPCNN014.dcmが同一画像となっていました.JPCNN014.dcmを正しいデータに修正いたしました.